The general electric cj610 is a non afterburning turbojet engine derived from the military j85 and is used on a number of civilian business jets.
J85 general electric turbojet engine.
The engine depending upon additional equipment and specific model weighs from 300 to 500 pounds 140 to 230 kg.
The gen eral elec tric j85 is a small sin gle shaft tur bo jet en gine.
Military versions produce up to 2 950 lbf 13 1 kn of thrust dry.
The en gine de pend ing upon ad di tional equip ment and spe cific model weighs from 300 to 500 pounds 140 to 230 kg.
The j85 is a single shaft turbojet engine built by.
The design team wrapped a small highly aerodynamic fighter around two compact and high thrust general electric j85 engines focusing on performance and a low cost of maintenance.
Afterburning variants can reach up to 5 000 lbf 22 kn.
Afterburning variants can reach up to 5 000 lb f 22 kn.
The general electric j85 is a small single shaft turbojet engine.
Mil i tary ver sions pro duce up to 2 950 lb f 13 1 kn of thrust dry af ter burn ing vari ants can reach up to 5 000 lb f 22 kn.
The general electric j85is a small single shaft turbojet engine.
The prototype j85 engine ran in january 1956 the first flight was in august 1958 as the power plant of the mcdonnell gam 72 missile and in september 1958 the prototype north american t 39 sabreliner flew for the first time powered by the first man rated j85 engines.
In late 1953 general electric began a design study of a high thrust to weight ratio turbojet engine.
The general electric j85 is a small single shaft turbojet engine.
General electric j85 turbojet engine the j85 was originally designed to power a large decoy missile the mcdonnell adm 20 quail.
The engine depending upon additional equipment and specific model weighs from 300 to 500 pounds 140 to 230 kg.
26 upi aero turbine has received a 128 7 million contract to provide j85 ge 5 21 engine component overhauls for the u s.
The engine depending upon additional equipment and specific model weighs from 300.